Ocean trash problem ‘far from being solved
Based on the report from U.N., the garbage in the world ocean is causing enormous destruction on coastal life resulting to water pollution that destroys the living organism in the ocean. According to their report entitled “Marine Litter: A Global Challenge,” the ocean will keep on saving trash from old materials like metals, papers or rags that come from the cities and boats if this issue will not be given serious attention. They also added that the present plan of action to solve the problem is unsuccessful.
Within half of the century, scientists have been observing the ocean trash collision when plastic materials became rampant in the world. These plastics do not decomposed or slowly decomposed, thus, the garbage are stocked in the ocean where circling flow of water absorbed the trash materials in particular marine “garbage patches.”
The ocean trash is harmful and gives trouble for those people living near the seashore because it destroys the tourism and prevents them from the improvement of their area. Aside from that, ocean trash also destroys living organisms in the water and threatens the health of the people.
Report gives some suggestions to resolve this kind of problem about ocean trash. These include plan of actions in proper littering of garbage, watching ocean waste using international methods, implementation of fishing boats and fish nets in seaports and investing funds to prevent or lessen ocean trash.
J. Sutter